Roslyn March 2023

Development (Holding head up, smiles and growth!)

Since coming home I was worried for her development after spending a month of her life in hospital and also arriving slightly earlier than expected. (37 weeks is considered full term so she only just made it to being considered full term - 3 days earlier she would have been considered late-premature.)

I am happy to share that Rosie is making amazing progress. She is doing wonders with her tummy time and loves holding her head up. She has a very strong neck! She loves her play gym too!

She started smiling in her sleep very early at around 4 weeks But didn't do her first social smile until about 10 weeks and now she won't stop. She loves playing peekaboo and having her bottom lip tickled. 
At about 11.5 weeks she has started smiling at me and my husband in the morning and in response to just us smiling and we are not having to work as hard as we previously did to get he rot smile. It is amazing seeing this feedback from her!

She is growing well and putting on weight! I cannot wait to see the updates here each month compared to the previous. We are using her dolly which she got for Christmas from grandparents for scale each time and you can really see the difference!


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