Roslyn March 2023

Discharge from GOSH and COVID

After 5 days at GOSH we were finally getting discharged on the 4/01/22. It wasn't easy though as we had a COVID positive test thrown in the mix just as our discharged was being arranged and we didn't now if it would still go ahead. 

My husband's test came back positive while I was on the ward with Rosie so we got moved from a bay bed to a isolated cubical while we await tests to be arranged for us. It was a long night and I wasn't able to leave the room. I didn't have any clothes on me, I didn't have a phone charger, I didn't have a toothbrush or toothpaste. I didn't even have a spare pair of knickers. It felt awful not knowing what was going to happen and felt awful to feel dirty and gross without my things. 

I had to have random bits of food brought to me which was often things I could eat... the only things they had which I could eat was plain crisps, toast and juice and water.

This was the first night in Rosie's life that she didn't have daddy  with her and the first time in a long time I have been apart from my husband who is my rock and support. It was so hard. 

Some videos from my isolation:

Thankfully Rosie and I were negative which was surprising considering our close contact with my husband We were discharged the next day and the hospital provided my husband a heavy duty mask to use public transport to get home:

Disappointingly, Rosie's medical supplied were given to me like this... all jumbled up in a carrier bag. Luckily, I had the sense to try and go through everything and found multiple things missing like PH strips and nasal syringes. Once I alerted staff about this they apologized and quickly added the extra bits - but it's scary and worrying that we could have been sent home without everything we need. 

Once home I made a make shift storage compartment for her medical supplies in her cot. It wasn't for a while that we came up with a more permanent solution:

Her are the photos of us being discharged from GOSH and finally on the way home! Unfortunately, my husband couldn't join as my parents are in a high risk group and it wouldn't have been wise to risk a close contact with someone with covid. But we ended up getting home at the same time with him using public transport as advised by GOSH's infection control

And this is the first photo of Rosie tucked in her own bed at night. It looks like she is smiling doesn't it?!

 Once home, my partner and I isolated from each other as much as we could in a small house. It was hard but thankfully at 
the end of the isolation period me and Rosie remained negative and we could finally start to get into a routine and enjoy family life together.

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