Roslyn March 2023

Sleeping Arrangements

 Rosie sleeps on her side as advised by repository specialists. To keep her on her side she has 6 towels and a king size duvet all rolled up in to a U shape/sausage to keep her in place - if this wasn't in place she has a tendency to roll herself onto her back.

She also has her crib at an incline to help with her reflux and also with the position of her tongue. We have done this by putting some books under a wooden board in her crib and her mattress sits on top of that.

As Rosie is prone to spit ups/vomiting, we have some muslins tucked in at her mouth level - sometimes when the sick is only a small amount this will catch it and we don't need to change her bed fully in the middle of the night.

We are also using a mosquito net as a cat net as a safety measure to keep our cats out of the crib:

Rosie was discharged from hospital with an apnea matt for under her crib. Here is a video showing it working. The light goes green each time a movement is detected:

If Rosie were to stop breathing for any reason the matt will notice no movement. After 20 seconds of no movement this alarm will sound:

Luckily we have only had the alarm go off when we have taken her out of the crib but forgotten to turn off the matt... sorry neighbors!

During the day if we are downstairs Rosie has her naps in her pram. We have a wedge bought from here: which goes under the pram mattress. We also have the same routine with muslins tucked under her mouth level to catch spit ups:

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