Roslyn March 2023


Rosie and her tapes have been a journey themselves... While in the NICU where there is limited staff to responded to plasters coming up and while she had her temporary NBPA which was not very secure she had many problems with her tapes. They would often come up and she would pull tubes out. It was devastating as her parents to see and we desperately wanted control to mange her tapes and make them secure and to respond to them when they started to peel. This was hard to do in the NICU but once we were home we were finally able to have control over her tapes to ensure she was comfy and everything was in place and not going to move. 

Photos of the tapes in NICU with her temporary NPA:

Once home we got a very good system. We use cavilon film barrier to protect her cheeks, put duoderm on top of that and then tegaderm secures her NG and for her NPA we use a leukoplast tape. Then over all of that we use a pretty medical plaster with a sweet design from This seems to work super well as it lasts the full week of her bringing her hands to her face and rubbing her face and daily baths/spit ups.

We change her NPA each week and her NG should be changed every 90 days (unless she pulls it out herself but she hasn't manage that yet. 

Photos of her plasters at home:

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