Roslyn March 2023


Below shows screenshots of how I was feeling at the time of Rosie's birth and how I tried to take in the information. It shows initial panic at the idea of a surprise medical issue and at the extra care needs she would have. It also shows me being able to come to terms with it and try to have some hope for the future. 

I found it very hard suddenly having my baby taken from me without me being able to hold her. It felt like I didn't have a baby - there was a disconnect. I was pregnant, then suddenly I was not - but where was my baby? 

After the first day I was only bale to hold her for 20 minutes and then I was left in my bed unable to move after my CS. I couldn't sleep because of the pain and I was panicking. I didn't have my baby with me and I didn't know what was wrong. I did the only thing most people would do and this is go to dr google. 

I ended up finding out about PRS this way before she was officially diagnosed. Of course I found worst case scenarios and had all thoughts about how I could cope and manage in this unexpected situation I found myself in. I felt so alone. Again, I am so thankful to my family, my partner and the delivery team at Colchester for heling me get through this difficult time. 

I spent this first night panicking but quickly after I started planning and having hope about my little girls' future:

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